Motion Soundtrack (3088)

Like a joke
I have been replaying a soundtrack
Flickering through my brain,
Like still grass
Clear for me,
Better than most,
But still untrue
Amidst all that blue
Canopy of daylight.
Forgetting these distractions
Made a tear fall
For my ideals
Had become enveloped
And unjustly packed
Just as reverb plays me
Through a symphony
I have recalled my stereo
To monophonic simplicity
And begun to slow
This motion and flow.

Hide and Seek (day 2885)

What did you do
When the mountain found you
Rolling over the field
Like dust in the wind
Gone in pure sin
Said the tree in the copse
For the gorge that uproared
Cleared it’s throat
In a waterfall
And clamered all down to the pond
Jumped up the bank
To hide in a den
Till the moon
Slipped behind the horizon
Then as dawn broke again
The mountain awoke
And spied what seemed him a joke.

Americana Red, White and Blue (day 1166)

Star fucked the highway,
Americana is my name;
Revolution is a pocket
Carries forever remains.
You with your big chalk talk
Playing taxi in cris-crossed musings
Like an off duty ticket master;
An expired joke
With an obscene ending
That dates your sense of amusement
To about nineteen fifty but-fuck no-where.
And this skull tattoo’d late night stalker
Has a skid mark diagonal to your
Latest amusement,
Which lights up the night life
Red, white and blue.