Care For Me (day 2729)

Care for me like ivy
As you wrap me up so tight;
With breath of a lifeline
Cluster me with your vine.
I want you to be my density
Like an old growth forest can be,
All the answers
Hidden deep within
Ferns and polypores.
Care for me like a decaying log,
Moss and mycelium,
Delicately tend to my inner workings
Sunlight of my offspring
To rise up high again
Jubilant in blossom.

Settling In (day 1726)

I don’t quite remember the day that it happened
But two by two they fell
Two by two the large trees that had circled my soul
Started thundering and crashing and heaving and falling.
And I looked up.
I craned my neck and looked at the new gap
Projecting sunlight this way and that,
Streaming little bits of another world
And catching particulate matter suspended in mid air.
My footsteps stopped.
My heart beat as my ears slowly identified the noises
I had so tirelessly huffed away,
Keeping a pace to get somewhere I didn’t know
And didn’t even have a reason to get to there.
So I stopped.
As it all came crashing down and whispers screamed louder,
As honeysuckles sprouted and ivy reached,
As leaves crunched and blossoms bloomed I stopped,
And that’s when I settled in.