I’m Sorry (day 786)

I’m sorry for wishing upon a star
I’m sorry for shading in my grays
I’m sorry for holding my glass half full
I’m sorry for not wearing socks
I’m sorry for listening to birds
I’m sorry for squeezing my hugs tight
I’m sorry for singing in the rain
I’m sorry for dancing you around in circles
I’m sorry for laughing at the jokes
I’m sorry for whispering into winds
I’m sorry for handling the hot dishes
I’m sorry for opening your door
I’m sorry for carrying the heavy stuff
I’m sorry for kissing you under that old oak
I’m sorry for making you tea

Hugs at the Door (day 569)

A comfy chair places me at home
Wrinkles that each tell a story
Smile back at me, or
Crease as I sit amongst the pillows

Memories float through the air
Of a time long gone now

It’s funny how we remember things
Like they were just yesterday
Sometimes the memories
Are built into photographs

Slightly raw on the edges
Handled for years

I think the biggest prize
Of all the nooks and crannies
That is found at home
Is in the heart that hugs me at the door

Home (day 216)

Home runs deep
Home speaks whispers
It holds your hand
And feeds you when you’re hungry

Home calls your name
It brings you out of the cold
Into the depths of love
Home runs deep

Home doesn’t require gifts
Home brings health
Home shows you with hugs
Everything will be all right

I’m home now
I’m here but I wont stay long
I won’t leave it behind, though
Home runs deep with me