I’m Sorry (day 786)

I’m sorry for wishing upon a star
I’m sorry for shading in my grays
I’m sorry for holding my glass half full
I’m sorry for not wearing socks
I’m sorry for listening to birds
I’m sorry for squeezing my hugs tight
I’m sorry for singing in the rain
I’m sorry for dancing you around in circles
I’m sorry for laughing at the jokes
I’m sorry for whispering into winds
I’m sorry for handling the hot dishes
I’m sorry for opening your door
I’m sorry for carrying the heavy stuff
I’m sorry for kissing you under that old oak
I’m sorry for making you tea

Awakening (day 628)

Looking out this plain, water stained window
The night prepares to share it’s darkness
Street lights flick on, awaking evening
Full of buttoned up, hand warming peacoats
Clip-cloping evening shoes dance along ordinary pavement
Where uneven walking paths skirt between neighbouring brownstones
And evergreen shrubs drip with saturation

It’s too bad on evenings like this
With air biting away at exposed skin
That stars don’t shine through overhead clouds
Instead, softening edges and colours into grays
Boutique doors close for the morrows awakening