Slowly into Tea

I wish I could cry on the good days
when my tea is softly spoken
and each of my windows
have snow lightly dancing,
exploring my imagination
in waxing crescent arising.

So it’s said my moon is slowly rising
a wind about my sail
to calm me as I build up to
a moment of my truth.
Where do I sing from?
No microphone or recorder
follows me around
making what shall soon become
lost in a myriad of webs.

Perhaps my days are all of good;
tea awaits my silent lips
even when the sun has risen cold
and my time spent entranced in forest
are met with caribou and grouse.

So maybe the I shall speak a little,
whistle a little to my tune
that whispers it’s short breath inside
each window I look out upon
and lays my ever waxing moon
into swirl of my tea leaves
where my moment comes just as the last
a fragment to be had and gone.

Awash Memory (day 2845)

I no longer remember how it used to feel
Which I cannot decide about,
Whether it is a good thing or bad..
For I can only hope for desire
That becometh to mine name
So vibrant as I used to think it once was.

Nay, it was so! My mind does not deceive,
Nor has it lain dormant these so many years
For I have in the deepest of my heart
Secrets you taught me how to live.
Though placebo may sure to have been at risk
It was learned and practiced
Dare I say enhanced?
Through thy thick precision
That has held with me so many a year.

So I shall not then look back
As though it has faded to negligence.
Though sands held at repeated onslaught,
They remain through it all
Sand as it shall be left to sit
Awash in the sun.

Soul (day 1370)

What is soul?
The temperance of good and evil
And deeds undone,
Magical memories and
Love forever long.
Heavenly fancies
Or romantic necromancers
And histories past
In lives ever lasts.
Mixed with love
And her delicacies.
Where is soul?
Did you walk with her here?

My Bare Shoulder (day 949)

It’s my lingering svasti
Draped over my bare shoulders
As I sweep the streets
Unconsciously rambling

I don’t keep you for myself
I don’t hide you in my arms
You don’t reply to my encroaches
We become inanimate

But, like disaster’s calming exit
Left is my aching soul
Hunger for time, and more time
To reap and to sew; good (su)

Rumbling (day 870)

Just cant sit here right now
Enthusiasm building up inside
A crime that ain’t yet committed
Sin purely built up on guilt
I ain’t been off the good track
Just living a life n’its demands
Hadn’t been here too long now
Didn’t plan on going anytime soon
Lasted a lifetime of Dogness
Becoming a Lion is zen
Mention a man and his liberties
Stuff a man up with sin
Feet are beginning to rumble
And all rumbling getting let loose

Sinews (day 811)

It’s a feeling that’s more than a feeling
Like an itchy elbow that cannot be itched
A recurring thought weaving its plans
Undoubtedly gently, so subtly urged
And nestled, and cuddled, and squeezed
Into a mold so earthly seated
Next to precious corners of life
That neither time nor obstacles hinder
Where no word plies this rooted fabric
Which sinews, taken from this same itchy feeling,
Are used to steadfast so strong a bond
So effortless a unison that does makes sense
That it feels good to be a part of
It’s a feeling that’s more than a feeling

The Good Things (day 175)

The heart of gold
The bubbles in a champagne flute
The dots on the i’s
The fragrance in the flower
The sun behind the clouds
The laughter from a child
The rainbow in the rain
The pride in a win
The clean sheets after laundry day
The A+ on the report card
The warm soup on a cold day
The tears in Casablanca
The full roll of toilet paper
The sunlight on the sea
The twinkle in the eye
The smell of sea salt on the wind
The clean pair of undies
The dollar down the couch
The full fridge of food
The last piece of chocolate
The window seat
The final keystroke
The cookies in the oven
The secret admirer
The phone call from mom
The belch after a fine meal
The slow song with a dance partner
The look from across the room
The old noir film, with Audrey Hepburn of course
the pressed flower, forgotten in a book
The fall leaves, brilliantly shining
The secretly witnessed kiss
The friend at the front of the line

~ This poem is a collection of the conversation my dear friend @thelongsilence of twitter and I had, discussing the illustrious @tjpou, who you can gather each of our feelings towards in this dialogue. For the record, I started it with “The heart of gold”, and we alternated from there.