So It Came (part XI) (day 3183)

(part X)

When people smiled
They were unsure if it was safe to smile
When people gathered
They were unsure if it was safe to gather
When people talked
They were unsure whether it was safe
To hear the very words
Their neighbour was saying.
They started to look for ways
That their neighbour wasn’t being safe
And they started to police themselves
Based on the latest fake news source.
And fake news there was
Rooted in Fear
Based on misleading facts
Taken out of context.
Social Media, online and web based platforms
Began policing specific keywords
Not allowing people to speak openly
About more and more topics.
It became an act of pride
To tell the viewing eyes
The listening ears
What sorts of methods of filtering
Of curating
Fear driven World was using
And people actually looked for this
Because they had learned
From the Fear
That thinking for oneself
Wasn’t safe any more.

(part XII)

I Believe You (day 551)

I believe you
You with your twisted words
Slashing away at my heroes
Picking apart the subtle nuances
That matter very little to the future
Brainwashing our thoughts
As you focus efforts
On what matters least of all
Yet plays biggest
On the emotions we employ

I believe you
As you tell me what I need
Through scenes I’ve never wanted
And dreams I’ve never had
Pulling at my desires
And diverting my goals
Into what I’ll never get
A plan ill designed
With fake products
And cheap labor

I believe you
While I stand here full of peace
That I’m not doing it right
That I require more land
More space to hold my toys
More to make me a happy man
Things to make me leave my wife
Things to ignore my kids
Things to push out nature

I believe you
As I stand here on this earth
Listening to the music of my soul
Getting moved by the flowers that I see
And the horizon ahead of me
That all is not right
That the past isn’t free
That the future isn’t now
As I thank my life for love

I believe you