Golden Dreams

I cannot remember my golden dreams of yesterday.
Will my words be understood tomorrow?

Each of these laid with patience
Upon flat laid twenty pound unlined and rounded corners
Shall surely carry dust until curiosity reveals,
But the binary figures carried on electricity
Floating lazily upon some unknown bandwidth
In a region East of the Alps
Well, those messages remain vague.

Those messages may die without a subscription fee paid,
And the backups may need debugging or rerouting,
Ciphers and codecs may no longer be backwards compatible.

Our graceful new line of important thinkers
Good looking important thinkers
Looking good getting there
Are too busy to see through the mirror.
What has been forgotten (by them)
Is no longer opened.
All expecting return on investments.
The new band copies the old band
But the old band wont fight back,
The old band has been to that rock show
And lost a tooth there.

Youth are changing
Renaming, rewriting, shaming,
And forgetting
At too quick a rate
To remember yesterday’s golden dreams.
The books aren’t borrowed anymore,
Libraries replaced by computer zones.
Just an endless scrolling in dark mode
So the blue light wont effect
Brain’s melatonin tonight
Because now we know too much
And what we know is unimportant
Logos lost our gravitas.

Midnight Symphony (day 1467)

A symphony of destruction broke into this heart
(a firm grip)
Which wasn’t available to remark
Due to insubstantial evidence;
Lack of memory.
Foreboding like distant clouds of electricity,
A smile lept into a place of fear
Which departed like a slick lover
Amidst heated darkness.
To which the happy couple waltzed on,
Around and around until fire held the lover’s
Freshly waxed mustache and
Used-car-garage-black dancing shoes
(no scuff marks),
Turned fast lindy hop
Which left our heroes glistening
(jacket casually over shoulder)
Upon a midnight jaunt
About the seaside boardwalk
Amidst leftover lovers and fellow romancers
(deeply involved).

Tickle The Clouds (day 368)

Giant arching thunder beasts
Tickle the clouds up high
Flashing their brilliance
Only for the teasing sun
Their spin is never ending
No beginning or an end
They make life more bearable
Electricity sent through their wings
Perhaps the morrow will thank us
For bringing health to her door
Perhaps the clouds will anger
At their nemesis forever more

The Light (day 323)

Many moons ago I was laid upon the bed
As a newborn, ready for bread
As the light took flight from the electricity
Embarking upon its journey forth
Encompassing me with weightlessness
This feeling of perpetual motion
That inevitably pushes the legs out from the
Cowards and the creeps
That lays waste and barren the
Outer shell of superiority
This light put forth a search
A breath that couldn’t be caught
A race that couldn’t be stopped
The game, it crawled with speed
Catching whirlwinds and storm clouds
By surprise, circling the crows
Harnessing the wild cats
And the future calls forth
And the future comes again