Dreamer (day 3064)

I am a late night dreamer.
I walk the streets
With parallel universes
On repeat amidst my thoughts,
So that each turn I make
Runs parallel to my intentions
On a highway of bright lights
Though sun has long been down.
Yet I roam here
With eyes baked in sugar
That envision it all,
Right down to the first footsteps
That I know very well
Will wake me up tomorrow.
I roam here so that I can awake
With a mind full of race horses
Excited in a freshly opened pasture
Of my tomorrow which I am now
In tonight as a late night dreamer.

Folly (day 1567)

These confessions of a dreamer
Leave me circling previous thoughts
With bold, easily identified colors
To indicate folly, where folly’s due.
It’s senseless to caress with timid eyes,
Without hunger biting down doors
And scratching the back of a ravenous beast.
I awake with my fingers gnarled around
Phallic dreams eloping with dense heat
Coiling into my dangerous heart,
Poised and set to pounce