Decompose (day 1943)

I spent all my time
Behave, behave, behave
In a sheltered forest
It rained, it rained, it rained
With lost thoughts
Again, again, again
Tormenting and crackling silence
Echo, echo, echo
So my heart decides
It’s true, it’s true, it’s true
I will grow so tall again
Sky high, sky high, sky high
To do my work I’m here to do
Decompose, decompose, decompose

Ode to the Soil (day 1755)

Sweet dirt, my soil;
Great bounty of life.
Breathing and heaving and turning delight.
You break down my blossoms
And decompose your own waste
To help nurture all life
Balanced, and full of bugs and worms.
Your kindness is forgiving,
Your consistency is staggering,
Your patience is humbling,
Your vitality encouraging.
Even your air is enlivening –
Quite literally in fact.
And if until forever I had
Betwixt my fingernails and toes
Your rich presence to look at
Your heart in my hand,
I’d forever be full
Of everything I’d ever need
Until the day at last did come
For me to join thee, forever free.

image of dirt, grass, a section of spine bone, and dandilion