Dark You Dark (day 2751)

I wrote a poem for you
That felt like a lifetime
It wove its way through dark corners
Of suspicious bars
That looked sideways
And smelt like
The sticky lacquer
Melting off the wooden bar table.
It isn’t enough that you’re here
Vibrating like a toy sized dog
Stuck on repeat
In a cassette tape deck
That likes to eat tapes,
I want more
I want the underside of the table
That’s a garbage can
You don’t look into,
I want the sole
Of a soleless shoe,
I want the rattle in my pocket
From change at our corner store
For your mind is the darkness
I’ll stand in the dark for.

Leaving (day 2739)

Have you ever had the chance to leave your mind?
Take a running start and leave it down there
Magic in the heart and two more memories.
Makes me wonder where you’ve been gone so long,
Followin’ a path that weaves and lifts
Hollys and ferns and lichen too;
Rhythm and your blue and jubilant see
Fire in the palm of every river in you.

Happy is a guess I never dreamt for me,
I took another train through desert and stream;
Golden hours awaited at the end of a dream,
Though I never dared come again here.
Lonely is a story best served in the dark
That smells of an old wine and gold bound book,
Flipping to a page that never looked so good.
Words don’t make sense, misunderstood,
And a hollow in the voice that spoke to me.
Gibraltar in every step at the foot of the bed;
Carry it again for the weight in my head
Is following a noise at the tip of my tongue,
Carry me alone, so I’ll suffer there instead.

Sense of Love (day 2480)

You know how to check my heart for pressure?
Don’t you with those softening hands?
My interested safety seems to hinge
On your ever growing sending
Of what I could only call a good sense of love
I’ve been in the desert after dark sets
Whispering the flowering cactus chant
That left stars out here blinking softly
And now I’m lying here with your hands
Pressing up against my remaining safety.

Filled With Stars (day 2423)

Why is it we lose our way
When the light’s turned off
And the song’s the same.
When the lion roars
It knows its call,
So our lonely nights
They are filled with stars.

When we have a chance
Do we raise our voice?
Do we stand up tall
And right our wrong?
Do we listen to our memories?
Our inner voice
That knows the stars.

There are signs for us
That show our way,
Shining as they are
So our souls can see.
They light our path
In our darkest hour,
So begin today
Watch for those stars.

Holy Boats (day 1956)

Blame not the recharge
Left slowly puddling into a dark corner
Of this uneven hardwood floor,
Nor should holy boats
Hold these oars tightly so.
Thee witness’ callused palm
Scrapes dry a soiled seat,
And a martyr hangs listlessly
As townsfolk carry on.
Mild wind blows a crooked sign
Making rust set within,
Harder then an open wound
Stronger then the sun.

One Maiden (day 1881)

As night begins to caress my heart
Movement caries on and away
And I am left imagining tomorrow
With what’s left, always, of today.
Traffic signs and slow wind through
My every thought and maples
And so I go into the dark
One grave thought always away
And two accounts of loneliness
And one maiden, mine, unnamed.

Ode to a Lonely Pine (day 1769)

Like my grandfather that came to rest
Rocking slowly in his old pine chair,
You watch the vista with an open air
Shaking loose your frazzled hair.

For in the cold months
You stand tall and proud,
And in the dark days
Your silhouette is my lighthouse home,
And in crisp mornings
Your tips refresh me
Like my eyelids breaking free.

But before I walk up to shake your hand
I wait for you to permit me through,
For your roots stretch long beneath the floor
And touch my home, forever more.

a lonely pine covered in snow