Sentence to Thy Name (day 1229)

Allowing punishment to crush ritual
Berating better senses of civility
Harshly, against cold stone under foot
Upon a wet and soggy day of death
Smeared between dark moist earth
And trampled, unkept grassy shag
This is not the end of an era
Nor end to a life spent well
It is the beginning of torture
Souls repentance; realization
Destruction on the darkest day of life
Standing, dripping, begging at the gates
Hallowed be thy name as birthright
Non-linear thus be thy path towards thee gallows
Distrust be cruelly written across thy brow
Hastily, uneven, unsymmetric, unceremoniously
Where shaggy be thy mane
Dies the sentence to thy name

(day 142)

You are Queen Sheba
You wreck the silk you lay upon

And cruelly you are
Within all your membranes
Your twisted circles
And battered gestures

Servants who respect
Desire to please
Are treated like vermin
Amongst your knees

To late tomorrow
For the love has all gone
The bitterness reigns
And your friends have all blown away

Into the blue skies of a new day