Tracks On The Road (day 3221)

The laneway smells of sweet clover
Overrun by long timothy
That soaks toes in morning’s walk
Back and forth we go.

Dampness holds its structure
Amidst low hanging overcast clouds
That have lifted only slightly
Since twilight broke them off.

Calmness awaits
Imagination creeps in
Day’s plans unfold
Tracks on the road.

Spirals (day 3014)

This is fine
This spine
The Earth descends
And dances it’s secret
Towards the ancient seed
That glows
And sows
It’s endless womb
Encircling the mess
That crawls and creeps
That slime
That whine
And soon enough
Memory fades to clouds
And then before
The door
What more?
Creaking of the hinge
That leaks a light
Scaring off
The bunny
Looking back.