Draining Memories

Though I fall far from the Pacific’s graceful shores
I swim with my head held high
Through sea-birds and sea-weeds
And crabs at my toes.

A memory I chose to keep
Brings a feather to the ground,
The wind high on snowy mountains
I can see from the shore
With city sprawl developments
Slowly creeping further West.

So I sing to the lapping
Of this cold ocean’s running tide.
My musings of a sandpiper
Leaving its webbed footprints there,
And barnacles in tidal pools
Slowly draining you know where.

Primal Experiences (day 2535)

I’ve grabbed on to the primal experience of holding you
One fist grabs and caresses the creases
That keep running down the back of my spine
Spinning reality into a sequence of verses
That forgive me for thinking these thoughts.
But in the alleys of my caresses
That pigeon hole my expression like a crab upon my toe
I’ve gone beyond what I used to call fairness
To a land of sacred union
Derived from the ancient practice of you.