In Faith (day 3028)

And with that instance
I have faith to believe
That you forever astound
Each so liquid crystals
Running my core being free
And a heart
That limits no boundary
Accompanying no symphony
– Though music shrouds all around –
Given the magnitude
And settled
At the base of this rainbow
In full faith
And a tall effort
Emptying this vessel
For yet another day
Towards the space
That has always been right here.

Ode to Driftwood (day 1770)

Did you know where my heart would land
When it landed upon your shores
Or did you leave it up to chance
When you washed away my tears?
For when I shared a glance with you
Reaching from skyline, sea, to shore
I was in the midst of lament
A loss that’d shaken my very core.
Yet to my gale, I did wish my chance
To thrive towards another day
So up you came into my bag
For a project of my labour.

driftwood along the shores in Tsawwassen BC