Don’t Betray Your Love Letters (day 1109)

Don’t betray your love letters,
Long scrawls of ball pointed confessions.
Amnesty holds my widowed fingers:
A hearts feverish clutches
Tied loosely to my bangled neck piece.
This is my lover’s heartbeat,
This reverberation about the floorboards
Awakening the lone-hawks
Circling high above
In sensible entrapment.
I am insensible like a lone wolf
Howling at moonlit stargazers.
My memories don’t betray my written love letters,
[Eyes praying on weakened soul]
It’s always my intention to be true.

Thoughts of a Lover (day 309)

I’ve seen your innocent eyes stare down the tunnel at the mysterious lights beaming afar
The concentration burrowing deeply into your mouth like a cold cup of tea
With slivers of lemons helping ease the heavy burden pulling
At the leftover blankets slowly pushed to the foot of the bed and
Sent to the lover with stamped on confessions of postal intent

I’ve seen your glitter in the spotlights as you sway back and forth
Enjoying the eyes as much as enjoying the floor for which you project out
Your deepest of feelings impulse by impulse like a rhythmic machine gun
Shouting into the night in a blaze of glory, wounded hearts, and
Sweet drinks that roll off your tongue in unrelenting expressions

I’ve felt your enigmatic charm work it’s warm fingers around my neck
Slowly twisting and turning into the back seat of a foreign sports car
Emergency brakes and slow tunes that make you lay back, legs up
Into the deep plans that formulate as if the air you breath
Small Christmas lights float around the room like a performer can

And I’ve come back for more, like a hungry panther prowling in the night
Parking in number four to piss off the neighbors that don’t like elephants
Hanging around their back doors, we still invite old handbags and discarded novels
To collect at the end of the hallway in an act of sharing randomness
Forgotten quickly with a heavy wooden door with a slight twist and cold that doesn’t turn on anymore