Between the Hours (day 823)

I think I forgot my whispers
Ones that wrote of yonder Princes
Striking down foreign conquerors
Wooing fair maidens
And stringing hearts of a thousand courtly ladies
While helping down the fair damosel
Just returned from toxic waters of journeyed shores

I think I forgot to share my love
To shout aloud upon the clouds
About the sky I journeyed to
As the lofty journeyer goes
Where lost was I upon seeing the hawk
And starlings grow
But couldn’t I, in all my guise
Demand a prize forever young

I never knew
I never dreamed
I never sat about the stream
For there I was
Shallow waters
Lost thought

I think I forgot an ancient order
That chivalry demanded
And Providence triumphed
That lasted ’til the morrow gathered
Which never came for long was laughter
Long were hands that guided home
Between the hours of jubilee & rest

Röbert Mönchkin (day 778)

It isn’t that the seasons take away my pleasures I bask in in the summer; running carelessly about the fences and jumping from branch to branch. No.

It isn’t the shade from the sun, nor the darkest of clouds that hover over horizons I see from the top of these branches in this place I call home. No.

It isn’t the infestation of caterpillars that slither their way into every single crevice I’ve ever held dear to me and my family, eating away the lush green leaves that paint the exterior of my home. No.

It isn’t the bears the rummage in my little piles of stores I’ve secured away for winter lengths, nor the beavers that take my home for theirs. No.

It’s that blasted dog that jumps every single time he sees me, barreling away at the highest speeds to bark me all the way up the tree.

But, I suppose that I do provoke him with my constant chattering and taunting…


Röbert can be purchased here.

Infected (day 758)

Your beauty is infectious
Swimming around in my blood
Running through my thoughts
Hinging my smile at the edges
Putting a jump in my step
And I kind of like it

It’s like an amarillo in blossom
Shining in the garden with wide arms
Whispering everything I want to hear
Hands resting on my shoulders
As your lips come closer
Reach out and touch something

Then I smell the answer to my life
Lingering memories I’ve never forgotten
Because you keep coming back
You keep calling my name
Out loud all hours of the night
Reminding me to never let go

For without your pulsating heartbeat
I have never lived a single day
Never felt my hair between your fingers
As I look toward the sky in bliss
Watching unnamed clouds float on by
I smile, infected with beauty and love


Snuffed out Heroes (day 747)

Today is a day of death and decay
A day for clouds to turn charcoal black
Formulating their madness into darker and darker circles
About my countenance as it sinks beneath consciousness
Downward into the madness you’ve created
With sweeping strokes in sharpened blades
Cutting down weak thoughts and planting black seeds
Heavy hands that compress all that floats
All that is magic and which once had life
Heavy hands that suppress the screams
Snuffing out the heroes in unsaintly martyrdom

Thorny Patches and Sun Bleached Logs (day 695)

Gulls call out to friends floating away
Upon tides pushing this way and that
Messy streams of salty water
Crisscross a retreating ocean’s exposé
Thick stalks of grass bloat the shoreline
That’s overwhelmed by sun bleached logs
Spewed upon the edges
As if laid there in organized inventory
While off in the distance a black tornado of birds
Hover around the surface searching
Blackbirds sing from thorny blackberry patches
That separates green from thousands of shades of grey
Mimicking darkening clouds rolling above
Ready to send droplets propelled by gravity
But off in the distance, upon the horizon
Voluptuous and impressive clouds
Change from glaring white to navy blue
Interspersed with teal shades of open sky
And a darkened silhouette of a distant island
Looms ominously like the jetty
That breaks the horizon line into greys and sky blues

Iona Beach

If Would Play (day 592)

If there were stars that I looked upon daily
Would you flounder them into a field full of wheat?
If clouds floated hither, where you and I’d gather
Would the sun break them free from their plight?
If all the birds sang on from their high up perches
Would the music reach our ears as we strolled?
If the path at our feet turned from soft grass to dirt
Would we still walk hand in hand through the trees?
If I looked in your eyes and whispered into your ear
Would the stars keep us together every night?

Settling Sun (day 546)

I lifted the covers and stared down below
A dream opened up, clearly it glowed
Gothic topped houses with friendly animals
Hovering around the edges of the kept lawn
A sincerely perfected landscape

Clouds morphing in the winds
In which beautiful animals blossomed
Spread out, before my eyes
As I peered under the covers
Amazed at what I did see

I thought for a while
At the glory that did be
Who brought on the sunshine
Who let in the rain and
Just like that it dawned upon me

I built up a fortress underneath where I sleep
Sentinels awaiting orders and messengers at my call
A kingdom opened up in front as I gazed
Then I smiled to myself as I looked to my left
It was a beautiful maiden, a lover just for me!

Unpacking our picnic amongst the friendly little trees
We sat right down on checkered covered cloth
Wine un-corked, not spilling a drop
Laid back we were in pure summers bliss
As the sun settled down we drifted to sleep

The Arms of Peace (day 516)

I play with things
And I touch all kinds of stuff
But when it comes right down to it
I’ve lost it
I’ve shat out marbles
Pissed warm vinegar

On the other side of the clouds
As mountains have swarmed into creeks
Into glorious rivers with intermittent lakes
Cuddling the flat lands and
Sipping tea amongst the rocky peaks

I saw a sign
My eyes opened
My breath became easy
As I cleared my voice
To bellow out a glorious song
Marrying bliss
With jubilance

And with a smile
I stepped lightly forward
Into the arms of peace

This is Destruction (day 460)

As Angels swoop down and cover the ground with dust from their wings
The Titans throw up their tridents and glare
The masters of ceremony reach up high and come crashing down
With wild notes the orchestra shudders to remember
And clouds raised up in the skies above
They shout wild accusations at one another
The Giants that hold them there at bay
Laugh hearty laughs and set them free
Dragons that come from far and wide
To side with conspirators, war with foes
The Demons crawl up through the holes in the earth
Blazing with fire and daggers in their eyes
They battle with no one, against all
This is destruction, where we all shall fall

Confusion (day 421)

The confusion is like Clouds today
Perfectly shapely and full of volume
But unconvinced of whether they like the sun
Or if the sun has had it’s fun and should be sent away

It confuses me as I roll here
Along the sandy tides of earth and light
I step along the meadows of deep
To come forth with my own delight

And when the sun has further chased Clouds away
Green grass and leaves of trees do flutter
Shaking their selves to and fro
Pulling at the unconvinced rays of Clouds gates

Perhaps all that’s needed is to stand and stretch
To grow my wings unlike Creon’s folly
To learn from wisdom, and heed all advice
But lessons unclear confuse my direction