Goodmorning (day 2814)

Today the sun came out
It spoke in a chant
That told me the history
Of every breath of air I could breathe
Which I collected at the base of my toes
And exhaled through the tip of my tongue.
The sun came out today
And shared itself with me,
I sought laughter and joy
And freshness
Only evening’s rain could bring
And I smiled
And said “Goodmorning.”

The Moon (day 2540)

I opened up my window to see
Full moon at my scape,
Emotion flowed from my lips
Leading me into night.

I found a letter on my mind
That began to ring so true
Aligning with my intentions
I had thought through and through.

I roused my warrior to a sweat
How could we lead otherwise!
And into night we danced our dance
For intentioning our life.

Beginning as a quiet chant
Roused by midnight firelight
Spiraling towards the moon
As rivers go on to ocean.

I swallowed in the moon
With ten thousand breaths
Tomorrow to wake again
Bound on my path.

Sense of Love (day 2480)

You know how to check my heart for pressure?
Don’t you with those softening hands?
My interested safety seems to hinge
On your ever growing sending
Of what I could only call a good sense of love
I’ve been in the desert after dark sets
Whispering the flowering cactus chant
That left stars out here blinking softly
And now I’m lying here with your hands
Pressing up against my remaining safety.

Life That (day 1231)

This isn’t my coming out chant
This isn’t my remember the good ol’ days rap
No, this isn’t the kind of shit you’d expect from me
Where soft glow combines with a real desire
Spreading out like wings

No, this is a truth experiment
This is raw discussion
Morphine true-isms
Blisters spreading about the exposé
Peeling back: non-relent

You see, nothing’s been hard
No part of life’s been a chore
There’s never a day gone by
When I’ve been forced to stare at the walls
So uncomfortably spread that rot is my vice

There’s a dollar sign around my halo
With uncomfortable silence when bills drop on bills
There’s a memo on my desk
Reminding me to keep track of the present

This all fails to phase me
Rolling around in steel balls that shatters silently
When haters start slinging their gorilla lyrics
Hiding in my deepen’d billfold
And there’s glass, there’s glass scraping little lines
Across my weather strengthened back

Yet, I’m not your typical chump
Squealing my daddies gold in rubber exhaust
I’m a hustler crushing pimp
Not a player pickin’ easy cherries
Playing a role, playin a mother fuckin role
Buying into a toll booth
That flips my hard edge into
Magnified chocolates and fluffed pillows
And a silk god damn flower

I take opportunities in the present
The big rolls that die hard
Rise and fall, and rise again
It’s my game, I take two dollars
Exchange them into five
Because I’ve been bred well
Learned from the best
I’ve taken one-two-three strategy
Added on my own strong fourth

Funny thing about this mastery
Is the only competition I find
Comes out from where the wolves hide
From the silent arch ways
That reach out and bite when you turn your back and hide
I fight it, with intelligence…
With awareness and exposition

Omnipresence is not a myth
Omnipresence manhandles the unaware
Blissfully slouching at the solid wood table