
When you look at me
Like I’m growing thin
Edges of my sloping chin
I walk amidst my fever ghosts
Lost, dark as night.
I feel the crown
Upon my heart
Fuse into my spine
That never woke
A fevered breath
That sounded hoarse as dust.
For when the game
Of morning light
Awakens this lost night
I will address
My dying breath
So delicate an embrace.

Breathing Grand

It has been hard to admit
That my words have lost meaning.
Even the breath
That inhales to explain
Where my full self has departed to
Has lost its strength;
Faintly attached
With two softly drawn cords
Like a spider web
In early morning dew
(Too delicate and lost
To be trecherous and hard),
Whispers inside myself
Have fallen down.
This weakness has touched my message
– Ice crumbling at the brink of water –
So much so that my eyes
Are no longer opening
With meaning and fury
For they have bid me adieu
While rainwater is expected
To stain this grand scheme.

Distance of an Ancient Mariner (day 3223)

I have not forgotten about you
You were there
And so was I
We watched as the imaginary boats
Drifted in from an ancient time
Carrying modern culture and spices.
I wore leather soles
And dreamed of a once was place
That took my breath away
With life.
I don’t know
If I’ll ever be able to forget you
But some days I do try
So that my vision
Doesn’t remain so distant
And the calling
Of an ancient mariner
Doesn’t glance to the sea
Remembering you.

Resting (day 3207)

This is the feeling of broken again
The one that rest inside
And cannot find words to share
Because the words that come
Are accusations
Words that will take us nowhere
A fight I no longer have the breath
To take an inhale for.
So I will close my eyes
And rest my deepest rest
So that I can find within
The soul that needs to rise
From the broken pieces

Let the Hearts (day 3167)

Let the hearts of ten thousand warriors
Fighting for their very food
Fill your glowing heart
And bring you the saintly touch
To heal every broken wound.
Let the hearts of a Spring sparrow
Be the outlook worn upon your sleeve
Bringing your every breath a song
That coos you into peace.
Let the heart of an aging grandpa
Fill your very depths
So that every step you take forth
Is wisdom in every touch
And a smile so deep it resonates
Like the crystal vases on the shelf
That hold a memory so strong
It’s a smile upon your face.

Wild Breath (day 3118)

There is an animal that crosses the void
It’s path is not straight
It’s nose is it’s beacon
It knows and is not afraid
And justifiably conversely
Afraid when it does not know
Just like every other
Living organism.
It crosses the void
And stares into the eye of darkness
Tangled with streams of light
That make depth hard to perceive
For it is glorious, this darkness;
The heart of a wild breath
Beats strong in the shaking embers of life.