Calling (day 2096)

This is my calling
Run through the forest
Trails along the way
Lead me home, sometimes.

Forage some berries
Discover a toadstool
Help a little frog
Along its merry way.

Some paths grow narrow
Hardly able to walk
A step on a branch
Scares the whole flock.

And then open up
To a wide open meadow
Dig up some roots
Soil to my soul.

This is my calling
Deep winter bark
Roots on my threshold
Home in the end.

Chestly (Charley) Winterbottom (day 680)

Oh my sparkly stars
A glorious day!
I have so many things
I’d like to do today!
First, I’ll circle the tree

Then I’ll have some breakfast
On the nice broom shrub
Perhaps I’ll see my friend
Simone de Longnose
Out and about today
He’s a quiet one though
It’s hard to get him to stay…

In the heat of the day
I’ll head to the shade
Climb the giant fig tree
My sanctuary of happy!
My tree for me!
Mom doesn’t go up there
She prefers the ground
But I can see the world
The whole entire world
From up in those branches
I’ll nap there
Up in my tree

Mom usually calls me for dinner
As I dream in my tree
But I’ll come down then
Because today I just know
There’ll be berries
Mmmm I love the berries
But bamboo is good too
When you’re hungry I guess

What will you do?



Chestly can be purchased here.