Grip (day 2891)

I want to rain down
Like the Gods I’ve always admired
Spiral my madness
Deeper into Mortal Souls
And laugh as Time
Emits no stress on my psyche
And lays barren
No emotions I have once had
For it is my breath
That drives me forward
Undescribeably powerful
And taken by a grip.

Becoming (day 2821)

What is it that has fallen
Deep into the ravine of life?
Say naught your revival
Heart of subconscious,
There exists no more greenscape
– Though Spring all around –
Barren and lifeless
Rocks and charred stumps
It is grave, this desire
And it shall no more be confined
To rotten corners of hidden gems
Nay, it has become.

Antelope Runaway (day 2799)

I shall not live in a desert;
My barren land doth not make clear,
Nor doth skies hold down tears.
No, abyss joins the delicate dance
Of wildflowers and hills
Vibrantly flowing down antelope runaways
And into the heart of my soul
That casts away tumbleweeds
Fearlessly, with purification
Given freely by water
– Plentiful and valuable elexir –
Escaping the death do us part.

My Fire (day 2725)

I’m not singing for my lungs
Though they burn with desire,
No, the sweetness has left me hoarse
That burns like whipping dirt
Blowing about this barren desert.

It used to come in fits
Where I’d collapse in imagined euphoria
I had never before experienced.

My dreams lay me still here,
Though I cry out
With the neighbours howling hound,
As singing awaits
Within the embers of my soul
My fire remain unconvinced
That this landscape
Deserves such escape.

Two by Twelve (day 2577)

We lost you in a barren pit
Two by twelve stretched all around
One by one you took away
Your brace you had so laid
Helping us building here
Stronger set the mark.

We learn to grow just like Tree
Just like vine climbs high
Seed’s all spent and day’s well gone
Fire’s let run to ash.

When we find our sweetened path
A lane between our vein
Our supporting brace for each new tree
Rewinding our just cause
To set away a golden rule
Piercing scream into night.

Visions of Moonlight (day 2297)

I’ve been drawing raindrops
On the inside of my window
Watching the drips form castles
Majestically standing empty, barren,
Alone as Moon howls at midnight
Keeping gargoyles company
That eerily await guests
Who never warmly greet
Extended invitations
Hand written in blackletter.
But me, sitting side by side
Wrought iron window locks
Dreaming of daylight
In visions of moonlight,
I have lost all initiative
To compete with vines
Growing up the side of my body
So I slump into my sleep
Borrowed by the moon.