Ceiling Lines (day 1627)

Lines upon my ceiling cause me great grief.
They are not parallel.
Their asymmetrical zig-zagging
Cover up cracks that look like
Two dimensional waves along a
Broken shoreline
Which leaves me guessing the next time
One of those waves will come
Crashing into my bedroom
As I stare up wondering the cause.
Some of the lines have even
Made their way down the wall,
Like an infection yet to be quelled,
Striking through the crown molding
And into the mauve like a sealion
At a pebbly beach in autumn.
So I close my eyes and focus on breath.

Torrents of a Storm (day 1198)

Today I dove into the earth
Straight to my father, Hades.
He spoke of worry, and other sorts
Of malady and ill-practice.
I lamented these points
In great detail, until my eyes filled up
With great regret,
The sorts that has no name.

Persephone, the great King’s wife,
Delighted me with wine,
And as we sat in the great hall
My eyes grew heavier still.
Until the calm of so much storm
Threw me into: unearthed,
I was no longer man, no longer breathed
All I ever was did mourn.

But just as soon as hell did pass,
Just as the ghost had called my name,
I woke at once, with a great start,
And Nothing welcomed me home.
So there was I, burnt inside and out,
Left to be held close by Nothing.
There were no words, but all was said,
Until calm rolled over my mind.

Lost is always a mystery,
A lance driven in by force.
But so is joy and unbound glory,
To the victor go the spoils!
‘Till at last the weeds come out
All laid out for thy viewing,
Where sparks become the ignition
To infinity forever after.

Upon my pony I did gallop,
Into up out and off to my home.
I crawled around and foraged a while
To scavenge for my dinner’s meal.
And there I saw, in haste to my father
I had missed what now spoke to me,
A field of love, in golden ripe
Which at last meant I was at home.

Vengeance (day 848)

What’s left is desire curving up and down
Raising vengeance on soiled ground
Pushing upwards against tippy-toes
Leaving questions marks as far as one throws

Thumbs make the trip in another womans clothes
Carefully calculating unending curls; silently she goes
Lips so daringly inviting, posed in a mock snarl
Spreading infectiously around an exposed eye; caught, ensnarl

And here, where blush in subtle tones enchants, nay, flutters a heart into flight
Digging down deep to indulge in a bite
These tones accentuate criss-crossing lines
Making their way in and out of my mind

Exposed breasts splayed out from a white button up shirt
There too plays a belly button housing a tiny orb of flirt
And lyrics written cross her left rib cage
Time has stopped here. Time has stopped and forgotten all age

Packed away misunderstanding and coffee breaks
Shackling the lonesome cowboy with unending shakes
While pushing up sleeves on another silver lining
Another smooth caress of subtle defining

Another asymmetrical button bridling the fire
Of an angel floating about on tips of desire
Sending all exposed reeling from an unconscious slip
That puts reason behind an eager crack of the whip