Forward [a Smile] (day 920)

I didn’t think I heard you right
Calling my name like a love bird
“Coo. Coo.”
My baited ear; bent.

But your eye, raised brow
Intrigued my senses,
Tingled my nerves, and
Shook my tailored cuff
Into a slow waltz,
A casual saunter.

Dimmed lights
And a smile that pulled
[Gravitational laws of attraction]
Which spit out the cork
And drank straight from the bottle

A blood red moon burned that night
As lovers made their way
Past steaming alleys.
Sleeping sidewalks glistening
In moonlit silence.
Clip-clop street talk with
Romance in a new nights air.

Forward to waking eyes,
Resting pants [still belted]
Carelessly draped over
A wooden powder-blue picket chair,
So tenderly close to that
Matching vanity with a mirror

Murmurs rustling through the sheets
[Down filled comforter]
And a familiar close to home
Written between
Those smiling lips,
But crying a hidden tear.
A soft memory.

The Sapling and I (day 919)

Windy meadows that long ago
Were stripped of all their life:
Elegant firs, long needled pine
And birch that peels around.

They’ve all been reaped
Into a heap;
Grinding and turning
Paving and spreading
Strip malls and sidewalks.

All in the name of progress.
In belief of and for
Settlers heading west.

But where was I at these round tables
Where was my voice of reason?
Was I asked for my steady thoughts
To protect our mother’s children?

For now I am to blame.
Here to suffer
To pull at breath and
Leave my anguish at the door;
Kick off my factory shoes,
Step into my factory warmth,
And yawn my factory toil.

I am not anymore the savior sun;
A strong branch upon a tree
Deep within the forest.

But I am a sapling reaching up
Into the sky above.
A sign of life, natures life:
An orb of sweet Gaia

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Tall and Proud (day 917)

And into the hills I plunge my sword;
A ghastly and devilish sharpened thing
To ward off the demons of ghoulish sorts
That steal the plains of peaceful dusk
And mock the winds like cackling hens

Where do you want my heroes badge?
Shall it grace my green lapel upon
My suit of honor, ragged and dry?
I came here with a confident grin,
Now leaving I shall gaily step

For with my savagery, my valor, I’ve done
What no man here had done before;
Rid these lands from evil plague
That held your heads towards the sky
In search of reasons, and a warning sign

Though, while my road may long become
Legends of I grow tall and proud
A hero here, a myth there,
A legend told by fire lit, aye
Maturing ears of eager years

So if you come against the rush,
Some words of our heroes tests.
Will you encourage the legend on?
Trace it’s depths to the devils grasp,
Then onward ho! Triumph.

Sharing Midnight (day 915)

Like it already has
I am on my ride
Through world by night
Where I glide, glide, glide

Spinning and whirring
And fabrics of gravity
Dancing, her fingers
Delicate to my touch

Sweet sips of laughter
Delightfully close
Who art thou?
Nay, why art thou not nearer

To the street
Brightly aglow
Feelings of danger
Renewed sense of triumph

Can you not hold me?
Ah-hah! There’s passion!
There is the fire,
Trust thrust from within

And by the midnight hour
Sweet sounds through darkness
Ecstatic dance, dance, dance
My fingers hold bliss

To my greedy eyes
Linked with your greedy urges
To your greedy eyes
Pulled by my greedy love

To a galactical quadrant
An octahedral ecstasy
Linking of energies
Indulged in pure essence; avail to no end

In My Tired Eyes (day 914)

A silent film that flutters through my heart
Snowing – on the frozen grounds
Waking to see my breath hovering in the air

These days I’m cold
Huddling in my layers
Overwhelmed and shaking

But my patience says to love
To relax into thy strength
And take necessary steps

Flickers spin backwards in my tired eyes
Blood returns to simmer
Where my steps return to grace I once had

New Positions in Old Lands (day 913)

Wilting tulips peeking out between
Tufts of Kentucky blue
Old fruits in decomposed remains
Soiling nurtures death

Sprawled timelessly, endlessly
Vacant amongst giants
Sit cozy cottages
Squished and disheartened

Grave-ly/like plowed
Widened and trimmed
Single track adventure path turned
Paved mountainous road

Rounded and tied
Bales of hay
Feeding quarter horses on
Four wheels with exhaust

Life stream in valleys floor
Where abundant game roam
Cement barricades trapping
Forever more… dam

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Glimpse Of Sharing (day 912)

I am unafraid to love
To catch my sideways glances
That leave my habits aglow
Fragments that caress imagination
Tipping over the empty jars
That glow with evanescence
Curtly labelled memories

I don’t break glass
I tye dye stickers
And write fancy hearts
Around magical names
Like ‘elexir’ or ‘potion’
That stick to the windows
Of empty jars

Call it a reason
A lazy r that rolls off the tongue
Slipping into evening gowns
With a warm cup of tea
A sombre evening left be
Let be
So be

I’m unafraid to spell it out
Remind you of a moment
A glimpse of sharing
To open the windows
Left empty and void
Of stickers and butterflies
Filled with empty hearts