Circles (day 444)

Did you wonder as I made circles around you
How long it would last until I jumped?
Did you smell the sweet aromatic essence
Of flowers I crushed for you to death?

Long lasts the memory of ignorance
That curses through your veins
Sitting there idle in your own pain and misery
Distance grows the pain of memory
For those who haven’t landed safely

In another day that crawls upon me slowly
Love wont let me down again
I shall cry with the circling eagle
Ancient gods surrender now

Clarity (day 439)

And then as the hope was still stretching high
Like the demons that grab at ankles as night enters
When all of the stars were close at hand
Right then was the point at which the oldest memory flickered clear
The sensation regained and fluttered a moment
Pushing and pulling at the strings that cannot stretch
Yearning for the attention that has forever been
In a moment of lost consciousness that lurches forth
Just as the impending doom seats the fate of hate
Eyes flickered and rolled backwards into a lost realm
Just then was the moment that clarity didn’t matter

Speek (day 426)

Do not fear that which I haven’t spoken
For it does not hurt
It does not pierce the skin
Leaving trails of blood
As you blindly wander the pits of despair..

Do not cover your ears in fright
Against the words that don’t belong
Beating drums that sing all night
Flow forth from the center
Of the answer to distance

Do not riddle the words laid clearly
They mean not to set askew
The center piece
Of altars grace
Counter points to your lovers wiles

Dark (day 425)

You will run but you cannot escape my all seeing, all knowing eye
Forget not that I see no boundaries, I will peer through that mask
Directly at the shadowed eyes that burn fists of fire through my soul
I will not let you run with your heels of fire digging into my sin
Resting for only little bits of laughter let loose into the blue nights sky
Late the raven calls upon the unsuspecting pray as it lies in shame
Hidden beneath the oak tree, wasted as if perturbed by an inescapable fate

Gather your storms you mighty Gods
Forgive me not for my ugly sins
Forgive the rain for soiling the earth
Giving it light and day
But not I, the doer of dark

In time the noose shall loosen from around the bitter Apollo’s neck
Released from the havoc that only the underground animals shall ever know
Hidden from the gems that ignite the last memories of a dying man
Crying from the birth that has taken place in time since we last spoke
And pacing restlessly along the cold stone candle lit memories
Trying to rid my withered bones of the transcendental war
Do not forget to close the door as you step inside the chamber of health

If You Had It All (day 422)

If you had it all
Would you be satisfied
Would you walk along the beaches
Knowing the world was in your hands?

If you had it all
Would the sun set upon your brow?
Would you play with the birds
And know that you had won?

If you had it all
Would the answers be known?
Would you never begin a tear
Knowing that it would bring you no answer?

If you had it all
Would you hope for something more?
Would you stare into the night sky
Knowing he was looking back?

Oedipus’ Tragedy (day 420)

Oh Oedipus, if only you could have known
The tragedy that did flow forth from the eve of your destruction
For naught was your kin to be saviors in time
All, they did perish by tragedy of this fate
Your sons by the sword at each others helm
Your daughter at the mercy of her own hereditary will
Charged with the faith of many holy gods
Desired to bury the son whom died of the other
Fighting against a land that belonged to the father
One was a hero, the other a traitor
But the daughter of your loins, Antigone was her name
Heeded no threats by your wives own brother’s mouth
Who had since taken your name to be that of his own
Ruler of the land, Thebes by earth
She ignored the new law to let buzzards and dogs be the choice
Your traitorous son did choose with his arms
Daughter of yours, strong willed in her ways
Brought with her an axe, to lay a dead man to honor
But your wives own brother, who had claimed your name
Did take great offense, and charged with insane
Took to see Justice, to claim his new name
Sent your daughter, his own blood in thy name!
Further, to be wed to his son the young Haemon
Off to a cave, locked in by stones
To fight her own life, will or the knife
To which she did charge to the noose with pride
Haemon to the sword, your nephew to the sword!
In marriage they did die
Oh the wives, what fate they did rise
Your wife, your own mother, did take to shame
Sent herself up the rope, and dangled in vain
In time, the wife of your daughters executioner, Eurydice
Did create a bloody knife, upon hearing the news
Of her own offsprings end to his fate
Her husband, Creon’s blunders did cause much more harm
Than the unknowing valiance of your noble way
Roll in your grave! Blind man as thee
See not the sun, but the darkness, forever more

Whispered On Breezes (day 411)

And why did I cry those symphonies of sadness
Gloating in my fear of change and misunderstanding
Shivering in my woven cottons, thick with dew

And why did I turn on the sad songs late at night
Darker than the dreams threaded upon the weary roads
Wilder than the rivers yet to be crossed

And why did I put out the white flag, tattered in the wind
Sickening the neighbors with fear and dread
Inviting the armies to beat down and rape

And why did I walk the street that had no name
Windy and uneven, thin and unkept, silent and poorly lit
With hands deep inside the pockets that had no bottom

It’s the answers I hear whispered on breezes late at night

Implied Pain (day 410)

Your pain, it holds me tighter
Slowly bleeding me of breath
Rapidly darkening the corners
Losing all depth and truth
While pushing away my sturdy ground

Grasping at dangling straw
Slashing out in water
Pedaling without a chain
Speeding while in neutral
Spinning in the sand

Wrinkles cross your furrowed brow
Tucking your eyes away neatly
Fixing your lips into a slit
Cursing the dawn for it’s birth
Chasing away the zen of it’s wake

Paddling through open waters
Listening to the lone loon call
Falling beneath the foggy eyelids
Drinking that warm milk
Sinking into a padded fort

Fallen Stars and Broken Limbs (day 382)

All the angels walk away
Leaving the heroes to pick up the pieces
Fallen stars and broken limbs
The world still spins upon its axis

Beautiful rhythm must also begin to end
It must roll its time and feel its caesura
The land my roar its silent beauty
The trees must hold forever their introspective gaze

And forever this girl with wings
Shall remember what deeds she has done
With fallen stars and broken limbs
Interfering on her plane ride home

Local Hole (day 351)

I’ve been here before
This local hole
This traffic pattern
This left over dismal
Pit of destruction

Perhaps it’s maybe not that bad
Perhaps it’s maybe a lost cause

I’ve pulled on this string
Left it alone and desolate
Barren in it’s future
without hope and lost
Callused and abused

Perhaps it’s its design
Perhaps it’s just counseling

I’ve calmed down these gates
Without warning I’ve left
The hope has lasted again
I’ll wake tomorrow and see
That the work is finished