A Calm Exhale (day 725)

A peaceful song pulls at my thoughts
Sweeping my soul through a meadow
Filled with low hanging weeping willows
And a gurgling brook
With tufts of grass flanking that stream
Fuzzy colours all around
Like a post-impressionist dream
Filtered through the eyes of societies insanity

The only thing trampling the mood
Is the outside world blaring from a tube
Shucking the calm that flows within
Into a frustration so pitted it groans
A casual breath turns towards forced
Focusing on zen, the art of happiness
Resisting the urge to call out and reform

With one simple application of a minor force
Sounds die out, echoing in the walls
Crafting witty remarks amongst the plants
That reflect the incandescent glow
A warm glow of a settling mood
Relaxing within the peaceful song
Sweeping my pressured edges towards their sheaths
And collapsing my insanity into a calm exhale

Where the Wild Buttercups Grow (day 723)

Have you ever been where the wild buttercup grows?
Up past the fence where the cattle don’t go
There’s an oak tree there sheltering a patch
Of clovers so thick, of ground so cool

I don’t go back there often since I’ve moved away
The house has changed now, green house is blue
But when I do go up to where the buttercups grow
An overgrown path where the big old oak stays

I remember in ’24 Mary-Lou and I walked
Up to the meadow where the buttercups grow
We sat on the sunny side of the old oak tree
Upon the checkered blanket we brought with the wine

But lovers they come and some of them go
And the buttercups always continue to grow
Up in the meadow where the wild oak grows
Past the old fence where the cows don’t go

Drained and Bled (day 722)

Refined the madness will walk away
At seasons end to sell your hay
Share the sun, enjoy each day
But don’t get lost along the way

Then if the last straw be drawn
Finding you left standing on the lawn
No goods leftover to be pawned
It will be sorrow; all sun be gone

It’s known it’s fearful inside this head
Laughter spinning around the bed
The makeshift scarecrow: no wit, dead
No roof to shelter, no home to stead

But not all’s lost when wits have fled
A lone wild grouse found and bled
Enough to feed and safely tread
At least for a little while, to ease the dread

Wilfred Sameuls (day 721)

Nope, I will not do it
I will not use my size to destroy
I am a peaceful, civilized rhino
You should know this by now
Don’t you?
Have I been living my life as a lie?
Lost inside my head and
Believing things that really aren’t?

I’m lost boys
I’m quite shocked of this
A bad rapport, us rhinos get
We scare easily, it’s true
Stampedes are natural
With so many of us together
But you just can’t do that to us
It’s bad manners to jump up
And scare us like that

But anyways,
The wife’s got the water on
Could I interest you
In a spot of tea?

Wilfred Sameuls, a rhino

Wilfred can be purchased here.

Black Licorice / Nobodies Darlings (day 720)

I remember watching you dance
It’s a slow song and there’s more emotion in your face
Then the hands floating around unconsciously
It’s a mood, a sly smile
A knowing smile that you know I’m smiling
We ain’t nobodies darlings
We’re crawling around on the floor
Dirty knees and loose nails in the parquet flooring
Making dreams in the air with punctuation marks
Black licorice tea in oversized beer mugs

I’ve indulged here all day
Fruitful indulgence without even leaving the bed
Sharing gospel truths and confident encouragement
Fretting woes with stronger advice

It’s the good days that last
Scaring away the drought like a vulture
One hundred miles in the air and fading fast
Broken in the land but hope on the horizon
It’s summer time, and nobodies left alone

Two Birds and a Beating Heart (day 719)

I haven’t slept since we parted
Open ended and unfinished
Sing songs of little birds call out
Leaving my thoughts rolling in empty sheets
Sheets of the same smell I left
On the pillows of your boudoir afar
But as I silently feel my heartbeat
Pushing numb feelings about the room
I whisper my mantra without hesitation
Embracing the morning sun as it warms my soul
While I stretch my limbs
Opening up my heart for another day

You Cannot Hear My Screams (day 718)

I push you into corners
And suck out all your blood
I watch your face go pale
And feel the taste of life

You look at me with wonder
And speak out not a word
You flirt me with a smile
And hold on for your life

I cannot understand
And feel not for what I see
I have an urge for deliverance
And I will not let you cease

You flicker and wave in conscience
And fleeting memories flow free
You flirt me with a smile
And release all I’ve ever sold to you

I lay you down in sorrow
And unsure of what I’ve done
I will not survive another
And am lost in what’s begun

You shared your stream of life
And trusted the words I laid
You laid down now in harmony
And cannot hear my screams

I Believe You (day 717)

I believe you
When you tell me I’m all yours
A full dance card
That I’m the best hitter
In the ballpark
The biggest and warmest hugger
In all lands around

I believe you
When you say my style
Trumps all Kings in the deck
When you tell me I
Intoxicate you instantly
That my shoes
Are the shiniest shoes around

I believe you
When you whisper in my ear
In the late evening hours
When your eyes ignite
With a passionate fuel
And your late night eyes
Glance at me once more, goodnight

I believe you
When the sun comes up in the East
And sets in the West
When the winds blow leaves down
From their perch up above
And when the chimes sing to us
As we sit side by side
Upon chairs of home’s front porch

Breakfast In The Morning Panties (day 716)

We met up for drinks, it had been a long time coming
You with your crippling smile sucking margaritas through a straw
Tattoos in pink running up and down your arms
Crop top and flamboyant sunglasses
I could see it in her eyes, written up and down and in
Staring me right back, inviting me
We flirted unceasingly, enjoying the atmosphere of the joint
Back and forth about life, love, sex, and making a difference
Pushing into regions normally reserved for intimates
But we were intimates, we had already been over that line
Flushing out the spinning daisies with deep breaths and dilated pupils
Desire spoken through eyes
“Want to get out of here?” were my words
We were in a big facility, one with public washrooms
“Meet back here” we both demanded
No arguing; arousal and a full bladder don’t mix
By this time we understood the page we were on
I was out before she was, I started wandering
I looked back and saw her peeking into the men’s washroom
Intentions written all over her tippy toes
From behind I wrapped my arms around her
Walking her into one of the classic stalls
She was already pulling at the waist of her pants
Smooth tight skin of a woman who exercises
Pulling at my pants too with unleashed passion
Normally, I can remember thinking, normally I catch my breath
But this state of elation wasn’t coming down
This hand down my pants wasn’t slowing down
I wanted to ask her how much she weighed after I easily lifted her
Back against the wall, legs wrapped around my hips
I was distracted with my head in her hands
She was biting my lower lip as power cursed through my veins
Hands cupped around her ass, her firm exercised ass
Easy to dig my fingernails into in my moment of pure passion
Euphoria, her’s and mine own
As passionate as our discussions earlier
Life, love, sex, and making a difference
We walked out of that public washroom hand in hand
All the way to her Eastside flat
I asked for her number with intention
Because she didn’t have to ask me to stay
I walked in like I owned the place
And expected breakfast in the morning panties