A Stamp That Became Postmarked (day 3052)

I wrote your name on an envelope
That closed and sealed with my mark
Long, long, short, two dots and two curves
A stamp that became postmarked.
I wondered there how long it would take
To find its way into your hands,
Would it arrive bent, curled?
Stained from a leak in a roller?
I wondered how high it would fly
Inside the bowels of an airplane
How cold those bowels would become
In spite the warmth so inscribed.
I hoped my meaning would be understood,
That my script legible,
And that each word that you would read
Would be read just as I had spoke.
And most of all, I wondered if
The return address would be saved,
So that your unique letter
Would be sealed
With a stamp that became postmarked.

Run (day 3029)

I woke my memory to a fall:
Into a vision I’d lost.
No amount of recollect
Could mimic what I had left,
So in the absence of all fear
I effortlessly bound forth,
Gathering my wit and truth.
I sloped for easy ground,
Harvesting each neuron
For the dear escaped moon
To where I left
My rambling mind
Of each blessing I had run.

Apex Predator (day 3003)

If only I had the sense to be
Like Tiger stalking prey:
Focused and with eyes alert,
I am the predator.
I have full attention to
Every sound alerting me,
Minute changes I can see
Smell, sense, and feel.
Never hungry, growing family
At the top of my game
I am an Apex predator
This is my territory.

Flying (day 2990)

A game against the marshy stars
Took me here to revel in patience
For in the stars beats many hearts
Long forgotten and passed away.
But to my open heart they pass
No longer grasping at the past
But into a moment of peace
They look for what they’ve sought.
Can you run, can you speed,
Can you live my heartstring beat,
Can you pass me from my emptiness
To the great transmission home.

Golden Eyes (day 2983)

Feline looking back at me
Eyes as golden slits
White as snow could hope to be
Puffed lips that cleverly pursue
Delights to lick upon.
Inside those eyes a softness
Always an open thought looking back,
Tenderness in each step
When good company is there, present,
But when the night’s hour
Ticks down another day
Footsteps become loud thunderbolts
Cat’s meow into the night.

Telegraphy (day 2950)

I found you in the golden era of telegraphy
Long you swept, hard you clicked
We always, forever, kept quite a line
That bounced us as if ever worn
Ever tried, ever sent and ever received.
I waited, listened, you spoke and I heard
We danced to the tune of crispy crackles
Little quips
And we never closed our doors
For we heard, and that was enough.