Water-Wings (day 1352)

Flatness of my heart
Oscillates up and down,
Up and down.

Up and down.

And up it goes with happy hopes,
Then down it comes,
Weighted against odds.

I use my Phillips screwdriver
To manage the extent to which
My heart goes up,
And my heart goes down.

Like full stops
When I’m out beyond the breakers,
My heart has water-wings
And a soothing buoyancy.

Winter Footsteps (day 1337)

Winter swept away my eyes,
Blinded while in memory
That lay half spent from truth,
Half lost on an innocent blue eyes
That woke with no name.

I walked backwards to confirm my footsteps –
Innocents of a broken heart.
For too many, my dear love,
Have fallen unwatched upon this cold ground.
Share this memory with my awaiting cold winter steps.

Cobalt Skies (day 1328)

Cobalt skies tonight
Ripping through late summer memories
With little twinkling gremlins
And Grandma’s favorite afghan.

A sky so deep
Hearts are instantaneously ripped out
And thrown in sacrifice
Towards all that could ever be.

Where is a soul that cannot hold
A forevermore deep within
Silhouetted bits of a city
That can never sleep.

Swim in Open Waters (day 1326)

I want to swim in open waters
And feel sun upon my spine
As I practice aerobatics;
In time I shall take flight
With birds of sanctity,
Soaring with beautiful brothers.
Here I’ll claim my sight again
With an eye that sees it sees,
A heart that knows it beats,
A hand that feels it feel.
To a space that opens my chest,
My third eye to the sky!
To a lightness of my mind.
And the sun remains the same.

Wrinkled Sheets (day 1322)

When twilight circles my mind like crows and shadows at the hour of feast
I wish for silence, a thousand feet deep.
A silence so lasting that breath trails off into
A frozen pane of windowless reflections,
And the moon clears it’s sleepy eyes
As it gazes over sharp backs of rocky mountains.

Stars must look different from up there, shining so bright.
I have always imagined they have different colors
As the temperature drops.

But from a thousand feet deep I can find only shadows.
I crawl upon bloody knees and fight for my own feast
Among crows and worms who, at this intimate an angle,
Scream like black night and wrinkled sheets.

I pause for a moment struggling to understand
Black lines that criss-cross my hands.
Black arcs that cap my fingernails, digging deep.
I find twilight again as thought slips from my conscience
And incoherent noise picks up again.