Snake (day 1258)

Snake is curling round and round
And I keep wondering how you sound,
Silent, slither, snake your mind
Nether regions of my spine.

But not here, master, it is not safe.
Your warmth is tingling but cannot stay.
My eyes they roll, they say I prey;
Today I run and snake away.

You are my habit, you are my warmth,
You are the curling round and round.
Little thing that wiles and worms,
I wish more moments just to play.

Undying (day 1256)

Seeking an understanding
Wrestles into a blackness,
A hole of undying emptyness
Void from here to there.

Like love for another soul,
Escaping through the night
Down cobblestone streets
Filled with reflecting pools of water.

Undying breeds symphony.
Undying curls it’s mystery
Inside out, until it wriggles
Up. Up and out.

Of End (day 1250)

My future is not to what end,
My future is of end that lacks in clarity.
For there shall be no tide
That leaves me jiggling in madness,
Clutching at the newly spent sands
Gathering about my consciousness.
Nor shall there be a whirlwind epoch
That holds in my madness
To set aside future battles
That crawl about my fingers
And draw my breath to an abrupt halt.

Green and Busy (day 1241)

It’s bewildering how all the
Little kids are dressed in green.
They’re wearing foreign flags and
Scrambling about in some kind of
Scatterbug formation.
It makes me think of the years I spent in ‘Nam.
– And coincidentally a delicious restaurant
Round the corner from here.
Chopsticks between eyes and arrows
And fabrics that tell me not to bring these new habits home.
I’m watching them with curiosity, the kids,
As they make their way about the grounds
Busier than all the ants of the world.
Hands flailing in some random forms of symmetry
That builds to an ecstatic culminations of sorts.
And then I get busy and pants with arrows pointing South
Cross my paths leaving home-job manicured
French poodles pissing about,
Confusing the tiny combat warriors.

Sentence to Thy Name (day 1229)

Allowing punishment to crush ritual
Berating better senses of civility
Harshly, against cold stone under foot
Upon a wet and soggy day of death
Smeared between dark moist earth
And trampled, unkept grassy shag
This is not the end of an era
Nor end to a life spent well
It is the beginning of torture
Souls repentance; realization
Destruction on the darkest day of life
Standing, dripping, begging at the gates
Hallowed be thy name as birthright
Non-linear thus be thy path towards thee gallows
Distrust be cruelly written across thy brow
Hastily, uneven, unsymmetric, unceremoniously
Where shaggy be thy mane
Dies the sentence to thy name