That Was Then (day 2863)

If that was then
Then this is by no means the end,
Two wheels rolling
And clouds so clear
Even birds faintly pass between them.

A dollar is gone.
Was it an even game?

A hand that served up
Delicious things, unnamed.
An engine that roared
As it began.

Lucky is every lost soul traveling on;
Full tank and such sweetness of a radio,
Then by two, sun’s beating in
Escaping for a moment into shade.
Watch Clouds and every bird so clear.

That was then and now is the end.

Reality (day 2862)

Sky has turned on me
I awoke to a burning red
Dazzling my imagination
As fire so transfixes thoughts.
Then Rain began
Challenging my scales
Peaceful summer breeze
Turned torrential squeeze.
I closed the book of a window
To still my worried mind
Losing my touch
With Reality’s closest neighbour.

No Love (day 2860)

There had been no love
In each open space
Found on the cobblestones.
No, each open space
Found on the cobblestones
Was toxic
Spit and debris
Dust and grime
That transcribed its years
Onto the closeness to my nose
That I could always see
Though my eyes were held afar.

Sidenotes (day 2855)

I wish I wrote sidenotes
In pages of books I’ve read
The dusty ones
I tried to identify smells in.
Messy sidenotes,
Upside down
Grammatically incorrect
Meanings they’d project
To change an entire trajectory
Of the book being read;
A side thought
To my sidenote.
Clever, but not obtuse.
Maybe a little obscene.

Saddened Parts (day 2854)

Each saddened part of me that looses you
Slowly falls to the ground;
Anarchy amongst my body parts,
One for one is what it’s called.
There are no cryptic memories,
Just scribbled pages of a book
Bent at the corners and stained oily grey
That clearly show a worn use
Only my friendly pair of shoes could wear.
The manner at which each part falls
Leaves no question in my heart
Rummaging my old box stored away
I’ve left to dust beyond.