The Air Here (day 2354)

Air is warmer here
Among the banana trees
And broad leaves
It lays about you
In spots that used to stay warm.
There is no separation
Between warm and humid
There is no dry
There is just a light breeze
From a passing window
Watching traffic
With no repetition
Zip by
In varying degrees of exhaust
Hoping whatever it is that’s making
The breeze keep so friendly
Keeps doing its work.

Planted (day 2353)

I planted you on the horizon
And placed a ladder at the fence
I let each apple fall slowly
To the soft ground they went
For if I had not let this time
A sacrifice to the gods
I would not be able to achieve
What every man dare grow
Deep inside reflecting pool
Honour in deep blossom

Marrow (day 2351)

I wrote a poem as depths of summer
Did I know it would collapse?
I followed the wind into sweet trees
And left my marrow to bleed.
I cried a last chance
Like winds over emptiness
I called and hung on to a word
Yet unspoken was my very reply.
Soon I had walked beyond
Escaped a southern wind
And opened my book to a lost page
Again, a cold and fleeting choice.

Secretely (day 2349)

Secretly I whisper to the eyes that hold but little space for me
An awareness that belongs not to my soul of desire
But to a lost alarm clock beckoning for another hour
A window catches a blinking light somewhere in the horizon
While a cat sadly roams about the hall with a limp it cannot heal
Desolation is a lingering affair amidst night before’s busy streets
Where once fireworks begged for mercy in the air like dragons nightly play
So I shall talk at odd volumes to hear my voice again
Though no memory shall recall the words that secretly danced
Amidst uneven sidewalks of a forgotten despair.

Tired (day 2347)

I’ve found this tired
That I’m afraid I cannot shake
My eyes feel glazed
And legs so weak
My shoulders are heavy
My breath does not penetrate
Deeply like true breathing should
Perhaps it’s from
Listlessness of life
Here out on the road
Wandering from meal to meal
No direction to be told
And I’m facing a runaway
Looking into the center of self
Exposed and pushing on.